Reception Theory
Reception Theory
Preferred reading is when the audience reacts in the way the producer intended. The preferred reading for the 50 cents advert is to give a message to youngsters to take advantage of today and its opportunities. Using a celebrity endorsement, the advert aims at young children because they look up to 50cents as role model. The negotiated reading is when the audience partly agrees. The negotiated reading for the advert could be that people agree with the importance of identification but don't agree with 50cents being the chosen celebrity because of his controversial past. Oppositional reading is when the audience completely does not agree with the producer's message. The oppositional reading for this advert could be that "there is no plan B" could maybe suggest to some people that there is no way of changing and that your future is laid out for them.
The preferred reading is for people to want to buy the product and feel young and look like Jennifer. People who are a fan of her or older people that jus want to feel younger would want to buy it. The negotiated reading is that some people may agree it is a good cream but young people may not feel the need to look young. Oppositional reading could be of someone completely hates the actress so therefore does not want to buy the cream.
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