Audience Theory c.w 19.11.2020
Audience Theory
1) Call of Duty is a violent game which includes the use of guns and is quite disturbing. Therefore, I think the age should be 18.The Zelda's awakening game is from Nintendo so I am sure ages from 9 and above can play the game because Nintendo is a child-friendly company. The Kim Kardashian game shows a picture of animated characters and because Kim Kardashian is in it, I would say teenagers. (13 and above) Red Dead Redemption contains sexual content and guns can be seen on the picture so I would say 18 and over can play this game. Pokemon is known for children to watch and love so the game is most likely not that violent and suitable for children.
2) How might the hypodermic theory still be relevant today?
I feel that nowadays, it is harder for the hypodermic theory to work because less people are easily influenced by things. More people now stand for what they believe in. However, people are also quick to follow others if they all trust a figure of authority.
3) What is the problem with the hypodermic needle theory?
The problem with the hypodermic needle theory is that it isn't always true and false facts could be believed.It also doesn't allow people to think for themselves.
4) Is the two-step flow theory still relevant today?
The two-step flow theory is still relevant today to an extent. This is because there are many people that would be quick to have an opinion on something just because a figure of authority has said so. However, in this day and age people voice their own opinions and do not always follow something just because someone else does.


7) How has the growth of new and digital technology in the last 15 years changed people's dependency on the media?
Digital technology is always evolving and more and more people have access to it every year. This means a vast majority of us depend on technology. All types of media is all over our phones, tablets, tv's ect. More and more media is consumed by people everyday.
The media can be very positive by influencing people in a way to better their lives and live healthy. There are also people you can talk to online about things. People are free to express themselves online. However, there are many negative impacts as well. This could be that thousands of people develop body dysmorphia, meaning that they start to obsess about flaws in their appearance, and this comes from seeing celebrities or models with filtered/photo shopped pictures. Instagram and snap chat both include the use of many filters. These filters have many times proven to push young people to get procedures and plastic surgery done. Thousands of people starve themselves to look like a certain idol. Trolling is also a massive negative aspect of media and the effect it has on people's well being. Cyber-bullying occurs too much. People are vicious online and make such a big impact on other's lives without realising it. This can lead one to depression or suicide. Overall, in my opinion, media has positive and negative impacts on people's health.
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