My Media Consumption

My Media Consumption 


I do not read newspapers but I want to start reading it so that I know more about current affairs. However, on my phone i do get notifications from "The Daily Mail". I like to turn to the entertainment section because it is interesting and attracts me as a reader. I do not read the advertisement section in the newspaper because I finds it boring. I love to read stories about mysteries because it makes me want to read on and solve it. 


I never read magazines because they don't interest me.


Approximately in a day I would spend two hours in total of watching tv. I usually come back from school and wind down by watching something on the television. I love watching friends because I feel like I can always watch it no matter my mood. Mostly, I watch by myself but sometimes my brother watches with me. I let him choose what to watch because he is the younger sibling. We normally watch on Netflix, always on the Tv.


I listen to the radio sometimes when I am in the car but other than that, I don’t. I like to listen to Capital Fm or Capital Xtra. I don’t listen to podcasts. The time I listen to the radio would be whenever I am in the car.


I have not been to the cinema to watch a film in months because of COVID-19. Through Netflix, I watched less films and more series. Sometimes, we watch films together as a family and normally my younger brother will choose what to watch. We use the Tv to watch films.


I access the Internet quite often. It could be to watch YouTube, for navigation, help with homework. I can access the internet at home, at school or whenever I have my phone on me. The main sites I use would be online shopping websites because I like to look at clothes. I like to listen to music whilst I am on the Internet. My primary device for using the Internet is my phone but sometimes I use my laptop and school computer. The social networks I use regularly are snapchat and Instagram. I use them for entertainment and to communicate with friends.


I can develop the variety and amount of media I consume by listening to the radio more and reading more newspapers and magazines because it is something I don’t do often. As a result of studying A level media, I want to consume more types of media that I don’t already, like magazines. I will read the Daily Mail newspaper, listen to a different type of radio and try to read more magazines.


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